Working with Sound Effects

Doodly offers multiple different methods of sound effect usage from creating a separate audio timeline and dragging sound effects to that to attaching the sound effect directly to an asset or upon entry or exit of an asset. This documentation will talk about each one of these different options but we will group Asset Settings together which includes attaching sound to an asset when entering and exiting the reveal of the asset. We will separately discuss the audio timeline creation.

Attached to an Asset

BAD! Do not do this! This falls under “Just because we can do something, doesn’t mean we should do it”. When you attach a sound effect to an asset, you lose the ability to control the audio level and the duration of that sound effect now becomes directly tied to the reveal duration of the asset on the canvas for which it is attached. The sound effect stats immediately upon the asset reveal starting.


The sound effect is 1.5s but you only want a fade in on the asset for .5s. This no longer becomes possible because the sound effect will play at 100% volume for .5s instead of 1.5s.

This method is just overall bad design and has no real benefit to the doodle. DON’T ATTACH A SOUND EFFECT TO AN ASSET!

Creating an additional audio timeline

I discuss how to create additional audio timelines and control sound in my Working with Audio video tutorial. Watch that video if you need more information on that subject.

This is the correct method to use when using sound effects in Doodly. This allows us to control the length of the effect, provides the ability to fade in and out the sound effect, if desired, adjustment of the audio level and placement of the sound effect throughout the doodle.

If we want the sound effect at different audio levels, simply create more than one additional audio timeline. Be careful not to create more than 5 because Doodly may crash during the rendering process.

Should I use sound effects?

Sound effects are a double edged sword and with the correct usage can enhance a doodle a lot but if used incorrectly, can destroy the feel of a doodle.

Choosing the correct sound effect.

An example would be if there was an alarm clock, perhaps the sound of an alarm going off after the asset is revealed on the canvas would work or at a specific moment that is desired. Practice sound effects and have your friends review your doodle or come back to this group and ask for a review. In the Doodly Users Group, you’ll receive honest answers from people wanting to help you learn just like the were help when they were learning.

Are sound effects distracting?

Absolutely! Sound effects played at 100% audio level are very distracting. Too many sound effects will distract away from your message. Use sound effects sparingly and in good taste at a good audio level. Practice makes perfect. Good luck.