B2B I.T. Solutions is a prime choice for a web design and development company. Our dedication to our clients and the art of web design and development is second to none. We supply a team of web designing experts to each client’s web design request. Beginning with meetings with each client to understand their web designing scope and obtain a more in depth understanding of their products or service.

Once the scope of work is completed and we have an extensive understanding of our clients web designing requirements, we create wireframe documents and provide them to the client for approval. These wireframes will show the outline of the website and location of navigational panels along with data and image locations. Depending on the complexity of the web design project, we will design a flowchart to demonstrate the data flow.

Cartoon image showing web design and development on a computer screen.

Finally, the B2B I.T. Solutions web design company developers create mockups of the web design and submit them for client approval. Upon approval, a staging site will be set up to begin the web design and development. During the design phase, we continually test the site for issues. The client has full access to the staging site. Our process is designed to provide full access to the entire project.